Survivor – Hell from Paradise is a reality-show that features a group of people forced to live together on isolated islands where food, water, fire and shelter are scarce.
Produced for the first time in Romania and hosted by Dragoș Bucurenci, the show follows the progress of a group of people competing on an isolated island in the Philippines.
Divided into two teams, the participants compete in strenuous physical challenges for rewards and immunity. Each week a member leaves the game, voted out by his teammates at the Tribal Council. Contestants get eliminated one by one until there is only one left, named “Sole Survivor” and the winner of 100,000 euros.
Survivor – Hell from Paradise was well received, especially by the young audience. It also paved the way for reality shows filmed in difficult living conditions, in exotic places.
Survivor – Hell from Paradise is a local version of the successful international format “Survivor” created by Charlie Parsons. The show aired on PRO TV in 2016.